Episode 4: Liz Berry

Welcome to Right in Front of my Face, the podcast talking about big things happening right in front of us.  I’m not sure my next guest is about my own personal politics, but more about my passion about women getting elected into political office.  I found Liz Berry last week on Instagram.  Her campaign sent me a paid Instagram friend request and I bit and looked into who she was.  Which led me to signing up for her campaign kick-off Zoom event two weeks ago.  Which led to me quietly sobbing inspired tears in my car while I listened to Gabby Giffords speak about not quitting.

Let me go back.

Last Wednesday, October 8th at 4pm, we got the news that the Covid-19 numbers in King County - the county in which I live - were skyrocketing and my son woudn’t be going back to 3rd grade in-person like we’d been hoping.  I now realize that the hope of in-person school was worse because the letdown was so big.  My son took the news like a champ while my heart was breaking for him.  We dropped my daughter at gymnastics, then I logged into Liz Berry’s Zoom session at 5pm, one hour later.  In my state of complete defeat, hopelessness and grief, I listened to a panel of 5 women who Liz will tell you about, talk about their passion about helping the Seattle community, the obligation we have to lift each other up, the potential we have coming out of Covid-19, and about how Liz Berry represents all of these things.  Then Gabby Giffords spoke.  She spoke about re-learning how to speak, she spoke about getting up each morning and never, ever quitting and gave her blazing endorsement for Liz.   It was the message I needed to hear at that precise moment in time.  I reached out to her campaign to see if she’d be willing to be interviewed, and much to my surprise, got a yes.  If you’ve listened to the podcast before, you know how I feel about women needed to be in charge.  If this is your first time here, let Liz convince you that we need more women in elected positions.

I can’t vote for Liz Berry but for anyone listening, if you live in her district, please consider her and if you don’t, please consider donating to her campaign.  Or to anyone’s campaign who you believe can make a difference.   My decision to air this episode didn’t come lightly.  I’ve never considered sharing my own political positions until now - I feel like giving Liz a platform is something bigger than just supporting a candidate.  I do believe that something in our system needs to change - and my own beliefs and attitude are a part of that system.  Just like Liz Berry has made herself vulnerable to attack by making the decision to run for public office, I will make myself vulnerable supporting her, and people like her.  For too long, I’ve been afraid to talk politics.  I am not super educated about politics and policy - I’ve never felt like I had much to contribute.  But in the last 3 weeks since I’ve been willing to open up and talk about it, I’ve learned SO, MUCH.  Just sitting and having someone educated answer my questions about progressive tax was enormously helpful.  I believe deeply that discourse is still possible and available if you’re willing to open yourself up in a genuine way to discussing hard topics. Take a moment with someone this week. Ask questions from a place of curiosity, and find out what’s happening right in front of you.

If you’d like to find more information about Liz Berry here you go: https://lizberry.com/

Here she is on Instagram: @votelizberry and Twitter @LizBerryWA


Episode 5: Kwabi Amoah-Forson re-issue


Episode 3: Ellen Kuwana