S3:Ep 8 Seattle Burnout Coach Lori Prutsman

It’s been a long ride for season 3, people.  This is actually going to be my last podcast for this season and I want to go end on this episode specifically because of the topic.  Burnout.

This is a personal episode for me because I’m processing my own burnout at the moment.  In September, when my kids went back to school, I suddenly had some silence and space to realize how much emotion I’ve been carrying around for the last year.  As I got the Google photo memories of last September that included my son doing school alone in our basement, I realized just how much sadness, fear, grief, and anxiety I’ve been shouldering and it really truly triggered me to the point where I had to just take a pause and honor what I was feeling.  It wasn’t anxiety, it wasn’t depression - it was almost a weird apathy and detachment.  

As I do, I was chatting with one of my friends about how I was feeling and she said, “I think you should talk to Lori Prutsman…because it sounds like you’re just completely burned out.”  Lori is the Seattle burnout coach - she’s a corporate powerhouse turned Life Coach who is now dedicating her life to helping people through burnout and finding the best version of themselves.  As someone who experienced very real physical and mental burnout, she’s an expert in getting through this phase and coming out successful on the other end.  

In this episode we talk about what the real definition of burnout is, I reveal a bit about my own struggle, and we talk about how to get through it.  If you take nothing else from this hour, know that if you are having these feelings, you are absolutely not alone.  

I want to leave you all with a thought.  I read this online -   Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. Eventually, you may feel like you have nothing more to give.

But the truth is, you have more to give.  You are more than these feelings.  I am actively trying to practice what we talked about in this episode and that includes being honest with myself about how I’m feeling and seeking help - with therapy, with letting my family know when I’m overwhelmed, and most importantly, trying to do things that fill my cup with joy.  And one of those things is this podcast.

I am kissing season 3 goodbye because next season I have a new focus - that focus will be on people who have made something wonderful during Covid. It includes sharing the stories of several female business owners who have taken opportunities, bet on themselves, and are absolutely crushing it. I am beyond proud of the first 3 seasons of this podcast - but season 4 is going to be all about inspiration, joy and success. It’s going to be the bucket filler season and I hope that you’ll continue to join me for the ride. Thank you so much for your support and continuing to adventure with me.

You can find me on insta @rightinfrontofmyface, on twitter @infrontofmyface and via email infrontofmyface@gmail.com.

You can find Lori Prutsman here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeattleBurnoutCoach/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seattleburnoutcoach/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theburnoutcoach/


Season 4: Ep 1 - L’Avant Collective on grit, resilience, and Gwynneth Paltrow


S3:ep 7 - Dr. Kate Monahan,PhD, CFLE on how to be a relaxed mom